Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Top ten web designs inspired by nature

As we observe the trend in web design we will notice that the website designs are moving from those heavy graphics to light, vibrant colour designs. Many of such designs are inspired by Mother Nature. Nature inspired designs are extremely calm and install freshness to the website. In this blog post I will try to point to few of such beautiful designs spread across the web. These designs also remind us of the need to connect to nature. We humans have already destroyed a great deal of nature. Each passing day we are realizing just that. Designs based on nature are very inspirational have a look yourself.

1. 4DESIGN :

4 design nature

This is one of the best design out there. No wonder it is on the top of the list. Just look at the design it is so refreshing and inspiring. When was the last time we something as beautiful and fresh as this. In this design you will notice wild flowers, a king fisher near it’s nest and a hot air balloon. The navigation is on a wooden like strip. Great Design!


ndesign web design

NDesign-Studio has one of the best looking theme for wordpress. This custom made theme has a peacock, mountains, rainbow and roses. This design is drawn using Adobe Illustrator. NDesign has won many awards and recognition for it’s design. The point to note here is even the best designers are inspired by nature.


vosressources design

This design focuses on the wild side of the nature. The design consists of a beautiful leaf and the header sports a waterfall. This design also has bamboo’s at the right top. Even the favicon used in the site has the leave which also acts as the logo for the site, background colour is a pale olive leave colour. This layout is calm but not as vibrant as 4DESIGN.


arbutus photography nature design

This web design is for a website that does photography on wedding occasion. In this design the designer has show bride and groom enjoying lonely time with nature. Design shows a large lake, ice capped mountain and a tree which is showering leaves over the bride. All these are spread on a grassy plain. Designer has tried to merge the love between two person along side nature. A job well done.



This website is completely dedicated to nature. The complete first fold of browser ( The view area of browser which we can see without scrolling ) is covered by nature. Lots of grass, flowers and a cute butterly make this web design as close to nature as possible. The website is in russian.

6. HYPJO :


This design shows the nature at night. Be it day or night nature looks beautiful anytime. This layout shows a tree with birds returning to there nest after days work, half moon and stars. This design has a very unique navigation , instead of the usual buttons the navigation are person at work, roll over the icons to see the effect. Impressive! The layout is one of the most simplest layout of all we saw till now.


Studio 7

This is another vibrant colour design. This design sports a country side scenery with some fresh vegetables. For information arbust photography website is done by Studio7Design. The logo shows a mountain and sun setting at background. This design is as fresh as it can get.



This website offers free templates, again this website template is done by Studio7Design. The header shows sunrising from mountains some clouds and birds flying around. Layout scales 100% to the browser and is mostly gray. Pretty simple layout.


Zen garden

The most simple of all design, a very light coloured layout which shows violet colour lotus. This layout also has a tree with lots of flower. Pretty calm layout and very easy on eyes.



This is the layout where nature is shown in it’s mystical form. It shows dried tree and the landscape is spread with fog. Looks a bit scary, if we scroll down we find the layout has a waterfall which falls down. Layout is mostly violet coloured with mountain in the background. A more of fantasy land layout.

In this compilation we saw nature under various moods. This also shows some of the best looking layouts are inspired by nature. The main reason why nature based layouts look so connecting is because we all can associate ourself with nature. Just a tip, if you are planning to enter any contest for making templates or design try do it on nature as your chances of winning is much higher than others.

source: http://www.cooljeba.com

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